What to wear!
Being prepared can make or break your experience on the slopes. These are items you should have with you in order to stay safe and comfortable.
Some people wear ski/boarding-specific helmets, but this doesn’t need to be fancy. You can wear a bike helmet!
Balaclava / Buff
This item is essential for keeping your face warm and comfortable. This also doubles as your face mask which is recommended while indoors.
Goggles not only protect your eyes from bright light just like sunglasses, but they also keep your eyes from watering in the cold, and help keep your face warm.
Mittens / Gloves
Even on a warm day, a good pair of waterproof gloves or mittens can save your hands from the cold snow. In the beginning, falling is a part of learning so keeping your hands dry and warm is essential.
Layers & Waterproof Jacket
Layers are key to making your day comfortable. Synthetic materials such as fleece are best in the snow, not cotton (cotton holds on to moisture and makes you colder). Many layers allow you to have more control over your temperature. Make sure to top your jackets off with a waterproof layer to keep you dry and comfortable.
Snow Pants
Again waterproof layers are key when learning. Jeans are cotton, and when falling they can get wet and make you colder. Make sure to wear a synthetic layer between you and the waterproof layer.
No Cotton! Socks always get wet, so avoiding cotton will make sure your feet stay dry and comfortable. One good sock is better than many socks.
Call (530) 926-8619 for more information and questions about private lessons.
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